Metallica - Crypto Scam

while watching youtube, I found that the “verified” channel from “metallica” was broadcasting a live interview!!

And as a good fan of @metallica I decided to go check out the interview but I found something that caught my attention “We’re making you very, very rich today”

… ok and so as any person would, i scanned the QR code and I was redirected to “httx://”.

At first glance we know that it is a scam taking advantage of the release of the new Metallica album called “72 Seasons”.

The funny thing is that for some people it is very easy to detect that it is a scam, but after analyzing the transactions that have been made to the wallets involved in the scam…

we realize that there are still people who fall for this type of thing. … we must generate alerts to prevent these thefts.

It can be seen that the last transaction was from the wallet address to another wallet for a total of “49.9937938 ETH” !!!.

And on top of all of this …. If we search in youtube for the name of the album “72 seasons” there are many more scams running at the moment.

Look … the transactions keep on going.


People still being victim of scams in general, no matters how unreal can be look those scams… We have to share the knowledge and explain to people how this kind of scam works. :D

now Metallica made a twit about this situation.